Terms and Conditions

Warranty Terms & Conditions

The New/Refurbished equipment that we sell is covered by our warranty, Most of the Product we sell online is Under our Warranty for 3 Months or else described in the product. The duration of the warranty will depend on the unit you have purchased and any options you have added.  Our standard warranty for all models is 30 Days from date of receipt (unless your online order clearly states a longer period or no Warranty).

The warranty covers the hardware of the unit and does not include software or consumables such as ink or batteries.  It does not cover any problems which arise through misuse or accidental damage.

Warranty Cover:
Dead On Arrival
Motherboard Problem

Warranty Not Cover:
Damaged due to falling
Water Damage
In Any Seal Found Tampered
There is not Proper Video of Unboxing
Software Problems

If  Your Laptop/Desktop/Server/Gaming PC/Mini PC Says 1 Year eSuvidha4u Warranty than below is What it Means. Same Default Warranty is Applicable for Product in 6 Months Warranty.

HARD DRIVE………………..1 Year
RAM……………………………..1 Year
PROCESSOR………………….1 Year
MOUSE………………………….3 MONTHS
BATTERY……………………….3 MONTHS/If New than manufactures Warranty
ADAPTERS…………………….1 Year
SPEAKERS……………………..1 Year
WEBCAMS……………………..6 MONTHS By Default/If new Than Manufactures Warranty 
All The Major Components Which Are Extremely Costly Like Processor And Power Supply Units Etc Are Covered As Per Mentioned In Product And The Other Things Such As Keyboard Mouse Etc of Which Life Depends On The Usage behaviour are By Default Warranty As mentioned above as Some Users Will Type Gently And Others Will Be Hitting Keyboard With All Their Might .

Warranty on Tablets / Mobiles

As Per Mentioned in Product.

How to Claim Warranty
To Claim Warranty first step is to always Unbox your product while recording it with Camera or else like got different item or damaged item or dead item will not be entertained. There are several seals on your product if anyone of them will be tempered all the warranty will be violated. There is no warranty of the Display on mobiles as they are fragile in nature it is only on motherboard and related circuit components.

To Claim Just Call on +91 7019046825

If you have a problem please contact us as soon as possible with your order number (or the email address you used to order if you can’t find it) .  We are able to resolve many problems over the phone, or by remotely accessing your computer,
Please just contact us on +91 7019046825

In some cases where original manufacturer’s warranty exists it may be resolvable with them, we will of course assist you with any information you may require and will contact them on your behalf.

In the first 3 days (Dead on Arrival DOA period) we will collect the unit from you via courier.  In all cases you must ensure that your unit is packaged safely for return as you are the one who is going to pack it for return.
All units will be returned to you free of charge.

eSuvidha4u Warranty Process
Unit is sent/collected and sent back to eSuvidha4u
Unit is received at eSuvidha4u
Unit is processed for Repair or Replacement whatever necessary.
Unit is sent back to you.
All this process takes about 15 Days it may take less or more depend on your order and your location.
Please note days are given to set your expectation; it is entirely possible we will turn around your repair within a few working days.
If you have any questions during this time please call or email us and we will happily update you.
In the event we are not able to repair any fault we will replace your machine with the same or higher specification.

If you have any questions at all with the above and need to talk to someone before you order, Please call +91 7019046825

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